NET has been active in the field of heat recovery for over 20 years. NET has been part of the Raab Group since 2015.
Fossil fuel saving is our profession. For us, this task is not a business area like any other, because reducing the consumption of these fuels is a question of humanity’s existence. Every company has untapped potential for saving fossil fuels. It is our goal to help you to use this potential in your business as well.
The variety of different situations in production plants requires individual solutions in each case. In doing so, we are looking for ways that are already economical for users today, even with the still low energy prices.
Manufacturing our products on the “extended workbench” makes us flexible in case of fluctuating order situation and enables us to offer a wide range of products. The long-standing, good cooperation with our manufacturers guarantees at the same time a high flexibility and a consistently good quality.
Systems for heat recovery, heat storage and use of renewable forms of energy
Heat recovery means the consistent use of thermal energy from waste heat. The flue gas heat exchanger transfers the off-gas heat to the water flowing through the heat exchanger register. This heats the water and cools the flue gas. The heat recovered from the flue gas can be reused elsewhere.
- Erhebliche EnergiekosteneinsparungenThe flue gas heat exchanger transfers the waste heat from the flue gas to the water flowing through the heat exchanger coil.
- Greenhouse emissions reduction
- Independence from energy prices
- Funding opportunities and tax incentives
- Image improvement
Larger companies are required by law to reduce primary energy consumption through energy audits and energy management systems.
Although these regulations do not yet apply to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), competitive advantages can be achieved through lower production costs by using heat recovery.
Münchner Umweltpreis 2012
for heat recovery at the Ludwig Neulinger bakery in Munich
After a practical trial period of about one year, the Neulinger bakery in Munich-Neuhausen was awarded the 2012 Environmental Prize by the City of Munich for the heat recovery system installed in 2011.
The project combines the effective use of energy for the production facilities with energy savings in building heating, thus contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.