Heat recovery in energy-intensive industrial plants

Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly important for all consumers to use energy as effectively as possible. Especially in energy-intensive industrial plants, a great deal can be achieved through heat recovery. These include, above all:

  • Large bakeries and other manufacturing companies from the food industry
  • Hardening shops
  • Foundries
  • Metalworking companies
  • Company from the field of plastics manufacturing
  • Various plants with thermal processes
  • Companies that burn industrial solvents

Bakery industry

Heat recovery with ovens
There is hardly any other craft or industrial sector that requires as much energy as bakeries, on the one hand to reach the necessary operating temperature, and on the other hand to guarantee the production process.

Commerce and industry

Energy and CO2 savings
Durch Wärmerückgewinnungsanlagen wird die Abwärme des Abgases möglichst effektiv auf Wasser übertragen, das durch das Register des Wärmetauschers fließt. In this way, the flue gases are cooled and the heated water can be recycled and used elsewhere.