Extensive range of so-called cleaning doors
Cleaning caps are to be installed at the bottom, i.e. at the lower end of the flue gas system. In the case of flue gas systems subject to sweeping and in any case in the case of chimneys, a cleaning port must also be fitted in the upper area of the system, unless the system can be cleaned over the roof.
Cleaning doors from Kutzner + Weber are type-tested, available in various sizes and can thus be adapted to any flue gas system.
The cleaning ports are suitable for all types of fuel and can also be used without additional components in standard furnaces up to 400 °C. All cleaning ports are quality products and burnout-proof.
Special connection frames with condensate seals to the inner pipe of the flue gas system are offered for use with systems that are not moisture-sensitive.
Cleaning ports for flue gas pipes or chimneys, commonly called cleaning doors, must be used in every flue gas system in accordance with the regulations.
In addition to the removal of soot and combustion residues by the chimney sweeper, they also serve to check the interior of the flue gas system for its general condition.
The application possibilities are flexible. The door leaf can, for example, be removed and replaced with a perforated door leaf (for rear ventilation of an flue gas system that is tightly sealed in itself). The use of a draught regulator in the existing frame is also possible without further ado. However, this measure must be agreed in advance with the responsible district chimney inspector in relation to the operating mode of the flue gas system.
The cleaning ports can be easily bricked into the chimney flank or adapted with an existing stainless steel connection.
For resellers who require larger quantities, there is the option of customising the door leaf with their own logo.
Cleaning ports RV complete
Consisting of frame RVR and door leaf RVT with key, type tested.
- Consisting of frame RVR and door leaf RVT with key, type tested. With 15 cm shaft
- Consisting of frame RVR and door leaf RVT with key, type tested. With 25 cm shaft
Frame with ventilating door RVL complete
Frame (single) suitable for door leaf RVT 140/200,
Ventilating door RVL 140/200 or draught regulator insert RV05ZA.
Ventilating door (single)
Suitable for frame RVR 140/200
Door leaf (single)
Suitable for frame RVR 140/200